In Memoriam: Gus Anifantis

Anifantis family

On June 28th, our beloved teammate Eva’s husband, Gus, died suddenly and tragically in what can only be described as a freak accident while playing pick-up basketball at a local rec center. Gus was 62 years old and a life-long athlete and basketball player (even playing professionally in Greece). He was one of the assistant coaches at Jackson-Reed High School and spent a lot of his free time in some sort of basketball-related pursuit. Being on the court and among players of all ages and skill levels was truly his happy place. Losing him in this way has been a shock that feels impossible to comprehend.

Eva and her two wonderful daughters, Gabriella (22) and Kassiani (19), have had their lives turned upside down in an instant. The rest of the team has felt helpless, closing ranks around them and doing anything and everything we can think of to make things easier for them while they progress through their grief.

It’s been a tough summer for the team, as we all confront this unfortunate reality of life – its fragility and unpredictability. Like all things tragic, this has given us an opportunity to remember and hold dear what is most important and special in our lives (and if you’re still reading this, that includes you!). Eva is so grateful for her girls and the impact that Gus will always have on their lives. She is gearing up to return to the office soon and plans to immerse herself fully in the career she is fortunate to love. We can’t wait to have her back.

RIP, Gus. We miss you… and your awesome dance moves!